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Watch the Journey On Summit, With Warwick Schiller, Ariana and more: San Antonio 2023

summit warwick Dec 31, 2023
Warwick Schiller's journey on summit

Ariana presented with Warwick Schiller, Linda Kohanov, Kansas Carradine, Filipe Masetti Leiti, and many other amazing presenters at the Journey on Summit, in San Antonio, November 2023.

You can view her presentations, from the comfort of your own home by clicking the link below. It's is only $99 for a truly enlightening event!

Join Ariana's Creative Circle, zoom meeup 1-2 times per month for inspirations, creative journaling, doodling and expanding consciousness through intuitive impressions. Plus you get access to Ariana's latest inspirations inĀ  downloadable PDFs that you can use in your teaching and coaching.

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