Join our Herd

SkyHorse Equine Guided Education™
Certification Program

horses healing humans training program

Bringing the magic of horses to people since 1989 

Are you ready to join a herd of somatically aware, embodied coaches who honor the horse as healer/teacher?

We know from experience that to incorporate horses into your professional offer requires additional education and a deep respect for the magical yet unpredictable nature of horses. Bringing horses into educational and learning models, creates a whole new set of complexities and unknowns. We know this from over 35 years of experience and success. Our founder, Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi, has worked with thousands of people since 1989, distilling along the way the essential ingredients of somatic mastery, horse wisdom, 'nature as teacher' and emotional intelligence to create a unique and transformative coaching model like no other. Her model and methods can be found worldwide through a variety of horse as healer programs.

It is an honor to still have Ariana as the lead facilitator of our SkyHorse EGE™ program. Don't miss the opportunity to study with one of the few pioneers in this field and a true master teacher of somatic embodiment and how to let the horse become your Guide. Learn what the horse as Guide really means and how to create learning circles with the Horse as Healer/Teacher, rather than a disempowered servant.

Our certification program will give you the confidence and training required to incorporate horses into your professional offer. We teach you our unique somatic perspective, Somatics & Spirit™, based on nature as teacher, horse wisdom and our biological underpinnings. You will learn what horses and humans have in common, not what makes them different.

You will learn how to work with a mind/body/spirit  paradigm and find metaphors for healing our intuitive wounds. You will learn how to trust yourself and your horses in the process of letting go of what is known so that intuitive, imaginal learning can happen. 

This is not a cookie-cutter training. It is not an online, 'do it yourself or not', formula. We've got you from start to finish with a tried and true combination of online studies, in person training and extensive coach mentoring throughout the training program. Don't forget, we want you to succeed at attaining your own freedom of expression and how you want to contribute to the greater good with your own voice.

We like diversity

We want you to be you! The world needs you and the unique perspective that only you can bring! Participants of the certification program come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience. Our practitioners include educators, coaches, equestrians, teachers, college students, artists, therapists, shamans, healers, riding instructors, yogis, and other individuals who are or who want to incorporate horses into their professional offers. We help you develop your own voice, your goals and embody your role as a facilitator for others in their process of healing and transformation.

Creating a space for change

Holding an open space for healthy, transformative change for your clients is paramount. We teach you how to listen and observe in a neutral, supportive way where the participants are encouraged to find their own self discovery. Way better than controlling the horse human interaction, we show you how to 'Let the horse be the guide'. In this sacred zone, people can transcend old limiting beliefs and somatic traumas so they can re-connect to their sense of self confidence and purpose in life. It's one thing to understand trauma, it is another to know how to create new pathways for well being at a mind, body and spirit level.

Mind/Body/Spirit Coaching at its best

Our Somatics & Spirit™ approach stems from the original somatic coaching programs Ariana created in the 1990's and substantially expanded on as she delved deeper into the way of the horse. Horses bring a magical, spiritual and undeniable component to healing in an inter-connected way that transcends other modes of healing.

If you want to learn the secret to awakening your innate, intuitive knowing, this program is for you. You will gain new knowledge in how embracing our biological instincts can counter balance the limitations of social conditioning and current challenges that come with being alive in these times. 

mind body spirit coaching

Get organized, refine your goals, and go for it

Ariana and our SkyHorse team provide experienced coach mentoring to help you navigate the business side of turning your dream into reality. We know this work is needed more now than ever. Equine Guided Coaching is not a fad, it's not an anomaly, it is grounded and has been growing leaps and bounds for over 30 years. The most important thing is you have to believe in yourself and never forget your dream can come true. We are here to support you one step at a time or by leaps and bounds. Like our donkeys, Poncho and Lefty would say, "It's time to get your game on."

New and seasoned professionals

  • For new people coming into this field, you do not have to know exactly how you plan to incorporate horses into your work in order to enter our certification program. You will gain that clarity during the program and upon completion have a good sense of how you want to incorporate horses into your offer.
  • Some people come in with alot of horse experience and not alot of coach skills, and visa versa. We will help you determine what continuing education you need to be successful and confident in achieving your goals.
  • For seasoned professionals, avoid the-4-6 year learning curve it will take for you to figure this work out on your own. If you have already received training in the EAGALA or EPONA models, this program will expand on what you already know and continue to develop your skill and competency.
  • You do not have to be a coach already to join our program. We do teach our unique coaching method, and provide opportunities and education to continue your coaching skill.

Somatics & Spirit™ 

(SS: online course)

This online course teaches the the foundational principles of our unique somatic approach specific to equine healing venues. Learn how to shift to a horse informed perspective and engage in new practices that develop your embodied presence. These elements are vital to creating an open, neutral space for participants to learn how to come home to themselves in a newly inspired way.

5 day in person program

(LH: Leadership & Horses™)

Don't get taken off guard by the word leadership. To us, leadership simply means-are you leading your life or is it leading you? Leadership is a 'way of being' that promotes healthy relations with self, other and the greater good. It's about being in unity with who you are and what you care about. This course takes participants through a transformative process, guided by horses, to learn what authentic, courageous embodiment means.

5 day in person program as an Advanced Student

( LH: Leadership & Horses™ as an advanced student)

As an advanced student you will study the art of facilitation, holding an open, neutral space for others, incorporating somatic practices with horse-time activities, understanding the interplay between mind, body and spirit, encouraging curiosity and new perspectives, and turning challenges into opportunities for growth, well being and healthy relations. 

1-1 Coaching Package

From start to finish you will have your own coach and a support group to mentor you with attention to your unique skill building goals. Topics in this coach package include, how you want to develop your professional offer, who you want to work with, and what you need to develop in yourself to accomplish your goals. In addition there will be group modules on curriculum design, business goal setting, and practice client sessions. Our coaches have years of training and experience and are active practitioners of SkyHorse EGE™. 


To complete your certification as a level 1 SkyHorse Equine Guided Educator, you will have access to a private, online post course integration program with the support of your coach and a final review. For those who want to continue developing mastery in Equine Guided Education and Coaching, we offer additional levels 2-5. When you make a commitment to our SkyHorse EGE™ certification program we make a commitment to you. We want you to be successful. We love this work and want to help you share it with people in need. 

Go to store to see purchase details

To sign up for the whole package, please choose from one of the options below. Then, call our office to determine which LH programs you can attend.  

We are currently enrolling for 2024 and 2025 EGE Certification